This is a sample integration of an HTML export of N4V elements from Webi. Click on the drill chart to analyse the data and change the content of the table filter.
The Drill Chart
The drill chart is a uniq HTML export from Webi. To enable the linking on each level, in the "Extended parameters" of the N4V component in Webi, tick the "Activate Webi Link on each level" (Selection/Webi Element Link).
To export the chart, in the "Export HTML" of the N4V component in Webi, tick "Automatically export the chart", give a "Destination path" (folder on the N4V server) and a "Name for the file" (ex. drillchart.html). Tick both "USe a custom JS function to navigate/reset" (name of the functions called by chart. These functions need to be built in the index.html file).
The Filtered Tables
Tables filtered are multiple HTML exports, depending on the number of drill levels (sections) desired. Here 3 sections need to be used in Webi : State, Year & Quarter. Insert the chart in each section in Webi.
To export the charts, in the "Export HTML" of the N4V component in Webi, tick "Automatically export the chart", give a "Destination path" (folder on the N4V server) and a "Name for the file" (ex. table_%SECTION%1%.html, table_%SECTION%1%_%SECTION%2%.html, table_%SECTION%1%_%SECTION%2%_%SECTION%3%.html).
Then, create a publication (destination format mHTML) to generate all the html files.
Know more...
To better understand the dynamic HTML exports of N4V elements from Webi, see the next article.